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Tony Bates.

21-06-1935 - 07-11-2021

Dad was born on midsummer's day in 1935 in Gillingham, Kent. He passed away peacefully on 7 November this year at the age of 86, having managed to live with colon cancer for around 4 years owing to the care provided daily by our Mum, and to his own constitution, which was clearly much stronger than any of us expected. Having been born shortly before WW2, Dad's childhood and formative years included experiences that many of us today could scarcely comprehend. He went on to lead an eventful and fairly unsettled life until meeting Mum in his early 40s, starting a family, discovering his firm Christian faith and pursuing a much quieter life. His somewhat contradictory traits made him a little difficult to understand or engage with at times, and it isn't easy to describe his character in brief. Those who knew him will remember him as a good singer, an enthusiastic yet somewhat inexpert harmonica player, and a lover of country, blues and jazz music. He tended to consider himself something of an outsider in terms of his outlook but was principled, self-sacrificing, and sociable in his own way. Dad's final couple of weeks were spent in St Leonard's Hospice under the care of their attentive staff, who ensured that his last few days and hours were tranquil and painless, while putting up with his gratuitously apocalyptic biblical quotes. The family ask that you give generously to St Leonard's in honour of Dad's memory, and in recognition of their brilliant work.

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