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Assisted dying

Assisted Dying, also known as Assisted Suicide, is currently illegal under English law.

We recognise that it is a complex and emotive issue, and we acknowledge the wide-ranging views held by the public and professionals.

We believe that everyone living with a life-limiting illness should have access to the best possible care until they die. We pride ourselves in providing high quality, compassionate care to people who are nearing the end of their lives. Our patients and their families tell us they achieve a quality of life when they are in our care and that is what we aim to provide for them.

Our current focus is enhancing access to our services so more people living with a life-limiting illness can benefit from the difference hospice care makes. Alongside this debate, the government needs to be looking at a more equitable funding model for hospices to ensure as many people as possible have access to high-quality palliative and end-of-life care.


Our reponse on MP's vote for the Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill