Kate Jeffery.
20-07-1957 - 05-01-2023
My beautiful wife Kate who passed away on the 5th January in the care of St Leonard’s hospice in York. She was the kindest and most warm-hearted person in the world, and I miss her so much. That lovely smile will be missed by us all. Love you darling. Heaven has gained a beautiful angel far too soon xxx

Make a donation to this tribute.
Donate NowAmount Raised.
£50.00 £12.50 Gift Aid
In memory of a lovely person who enjoyed life and the countryside.
Donation by Doctor Janet Cochrane on 01/10/2024
£40.00 £10.00 Gift Aid
A Kiplingcotes race donation on a special day - Kates heavenly birthday 🩷
Donation by Ms Carole Johnston on 20/07/2024
£180.00 £45.00 Gift Aid
More Kiplingcotes 🏇🏻🩷
Donation by Ms Carole Johnston on 20/05/2024
£50.00 £12.50 Gift Aid
Kiplingcotes additional donations
Donation by Ms Carole Johnston on 11/05/2024
£70.00 £17.50 Gift Aid
Further kiplingcotes derby proceeds 🏇🏻🩷
Donation by Ms Carole Johnston on 07/04/2024
Incredible achievement Carole to raise funds xx
Donation by Mrs Kelly Round on 28/03/2024
£10.00 £2.50 Gift Aid
Donation by Miss Sarah Russell on 28/03/2024
£1,478.95 £369.74 Gift Aid
Proceeds from riding the Kiplingcotes Derby.
Donation by Ms Carole Johnston on 27/03/2024
£20.00 £5.00 Gift Aid
Happy to donate such a worthy cause x
Donation by Mrs JUDITH FISHER on 25/03/2024
Carole and Lorna- what a woman, what a team. An inspiration to all
Donation by Miss Anna Ruth Longthorp on 23/03/2024
£10.00 £2.50 Gift Aid
Carole is awesome and too many friends & family lost to cancer
Donation by Miss Jane Jones on 22/03/2024
£25.00 £6.25 Gift Aid
Donation by Mr Martin Spilsbury on 21/03/2024
£10.00 £2.50 Gift Aid
Donation by Mrs Amelia Corkery on 21/03/2024
£30.00 £7.50 Gift Aid
Carole your a Star !! Well done !!!!
Donation by Mr Simon Fairbank on 21/03/2024
Donation by Mrs Sarah Smith on 21/03/2024
£5.00 £1.25 Gift Aid
Saw you & your team @ Kiplingcotes… well done for making the effort & taking part … the world needs great selfless people like you . Sorry it’s only a fiver … the bookie has the other £5 - you were 10/1 🏇🏇🏇❤️❤️❤️🤣🤣🤣
Donation by Mr Steve Dixon on 21/03/2024
£20.00 £5.00 Gift Aid
Carole, you are a superstar for doing this..hope you had a blast and all safe and well ! x
Donation by Emma Dunn on 21/03/2024
£20.00 £5.00 Gift Aid
Donation by Mrs Rachel Watkinson on 21/03/2024
£10.00 £2.50 Gift Aid
Carole Johnston ride in <br /> The Kipplingcoates Derby
Donation by Mrs Carol Hudson on 21/03/2024
£20.00 £5.00 Gift Aid
Good Luck Carole from Vanessa and Mark , a very worthy cause x
Donation by Vanessa and Mark Roberts on 21/03/2024
£50.00 £12.50 Gift Aid
Best of luck, Carole and Lorna.<br /> Tom, Georgie, Tabitha and Clemmie xxxx
Donation by Tom England on 20/03/2024
£30.00 £7.50 Gift Aid
Donation by Mr David Slack on 20/03/2024
£50.00 £12.50 Gift Aid
Great admiration for you Carol, taking on this challenge for your friend, Kate and for such a worthy cause. Take care and enjoy the ride.
Donation by Mrs Diana Longthorp on 20/03/2024
£50.00 £12.50 Gift Aid
Go for it Carole and Lorna! xxx
Donation by Mrs Louise Warner on 19/03/2024
£25.00 £6.25 Gift Aid
In memory of a wonderful woman Kate. Well done Carole, what a fantastic tribute. Kick on, I'm sure Kate will be galloping along with you.
Donation by Mrs Carol Cornforth on 18/03/2024
£25.00 £6.25 Gift Aid
For the kindness and inspiration extended to me by Carole and Lorna and Olly (Kiplingcotes Derby) in the memory of Kate Jeffrey of whom I have heard much but never had the privilege to know or meet, Thank you for this welcome and inspiration. Good luck on Thursday Carol!
Donation by Mr David Lewis on 18/03/2024
£10.00 £2.50 Gift Aid
Good luck Carole and enjoy. Its for a great cause and your friend would be proud. x
Donation by Mrs Nicky Webb on 17/03/2024
To contribute to a worthy cause
Donation by Mrs carolyn johnston on 17/03/2024
£10.00 £2.50 Gift Aid
Donation by Miss Sarah Walford on 16/03/2024
£20.00 £5.00 Gift Aid
I just think they do a tremendous job in very sad times
Donation by Mrs Penny Ellison on 15/03/2024
Great cause
Donation by Mrs Jackie Jestin on 14/03/2024
£30.00 £7.50 Gift Aid
For a friend
Donation by Mrs Kate Johnston on 14/03/2024
£20.00 £5.00 Gift Aid
An excellent cause
Donation by Mrs Clare Slator on 14/03/2024
£50.00 £12.50 Gift Aid
Great cause , great team .
Donation by Mrs Sheila Ashby on 14/03/2024
£10.00 £2.50 Gift Aid
Good luck to Carole & Lorna, very brave & inspiring!🐎
Donation by Mrs Alice Birt on 14/03/2024
A really worthy cause in tribute to two very brave ladies.
Donation by Mr David Ozanne on 14/03/2024
£30.00 £7.50 Gift Aid
Wishing good luck to Carole supporting a worthy cause
Donation by Ms Jennifer Mary Foster on 14/03/2024
£20.00 £5.00 Gift Aid
Donation by Mrs Laura Elvidge on 14/03/2024
£20.00 £5.00 Gift Aid
In support of Carole's ride in the Kipling Coates Derby
Donation by Mr Adrian Heywood on 11/03/2024
£25.00 £6.25 Gift Aid
In support of Carole’s ride
Donation by Mr Nicholas Hildyard on 09/03/2024
£20.00 £5.00 Gift Aid
Wanting to support Carole for this amazing cause. Good luck CJ!!!
Donation by Mrs Caroline Houseman on 06/03/2024
£50.00 £12.50 Gift Aid
This appeal reminded me of somebody I know who has had breast cancer and also has two horses.
Donation by Mr Ian Mason on 06/03/2024
£5.00 £1.25 Gift Aid
I was inspired by Carole. Good luck with the race. <br /> My sister passed away in the loving care of St Leonard's many years ago.
Donation by Mrs Heather Cragg on 06/03/2024
£25.00 £6.25 Gift Aid
To support Carole and the great work of St Leonard’s Hospice
Donation by Richard and Sue on 03/03/2024
£100.00 £25.00 Gift Aid
Donation by Mr Mark Whitney on 02/03/2024
£20.00 £5.00 Gift Aid
A Friend of Carole s
Donation by Mr David Cosgrove on 02/03/2024
£20.00 £5.00 Gift Aid
Good Luck Carole x
Donation by Mrs Suzanne King on 01/03/2024
£20.00 £5.00 Gift Aid
Friend of Carole
Donation by Miss Clare Burrows on 29/02/2024
£20.00 £5.00 Gift Aid
Friend of Carole Johnson and wholeheartedly support her in her brave decision to race for this charity
Donation by Mrs Veronica Parsons on 29/02/2024
£20.00 £5.00 Gift Aid
Good luck Carole and Lorna
Donation by Other Sam Mellor on 29/02/2024
£20.00 £5.00 Gift Aid
Good luck Carole and Lorna racing in memory of Kate xx
Donation by Mrs Nicky Hawkes on 28/02/2024
Good Luck Carole in The Kiplingcoates Derby 🐴🐴.<br /> With love<br /> From<br /> Graeme & Katie Stephenson
Donation by Mrs Katie Stephenson on 28/02/2024
£20.00 £5.00 Gift Aid
To support Breast Cancer in memory of Carole Johnston’s friend Kate Jeffery
Donation by Mrs Beryl Close on 28/02/2024
£20.00 £5.00 Gift Aid
Donation by Miss Michala Hart on 28/02/2024
£20.00 £5.00 Gift Aid
I'm donating because of Carole who is doing a wonderful thing in memory of her friend Kate. Go Carole!
Donation by Mrs Lisa Summerfield on 28/02/2024
£20.00 £5.00 Gift Aid
Good luck Carol,have fun and stay safe x
Donation by Mrs Tracy Thompson on 28/02/2024
For Kate, good luck Carole and Lorna love Steph and Trish 🇮🇪
Donation by Miss Stephanie McGlynn on 27/02/2024
£10.00 £2.50 Gift Aid
Good luck Carole.
Donation by Mrs Fiona Baylis on 27/02/2024
£110.00 £27.50 Gift Aid
In memory of Kate Jeffery and to support Carole Johnston with her fundraising.
Donation by Doctor Janet Cochrane on 26/02/2024
£100.00 £25.00 Gift Aid
The wife of my wife's brother was cared for in St Leonards last year -- she died on February 28th aged 66; just a year ago. She was very well looked after by the staff at St Leonards -- like Kate Jeffery was. It needs our support for the sad but valuable work.
Donation by Mr Christopher Oughtred on 26/02/2024
£30.00 £7.50 Gift Aid
Supporting my sister Carole Johnston
Donation by Mr Paul Johnston on 20/02/2024
Carole's ride 21/3/24
Donation by Mr Mark Hutchison on 13/02/2024
£20.00 £5.00 Gift Aid
Good luck Carole! Love The Longthorps x
Donation by Mrs Emma Longthorp on 13/02/2024
£20.00 £5.00 Gift Aid
A friend of carole.
Donation by Mrs Louise Horsley on 11/02/2024
£20.00 £5.00 Gift Aid
Good luck with the Kiplingcotes Derby Carol !
Donation by Mrs Rachel Morris on 06/02/2024
Carole’s Kiplingcote Derby
Donation by Mrs Janet Shepherd on 03/02/2024
£50.00 £12.50 Gift Aid
To support Carole in the Kiplingcotes Race to raise funds for St. Leonards in Kate's name
Donation by Mrs Alison Bladon on 31/01/2024
Bucket collection
Donation by Chris Jeffery on 25/08/2023
£50.00 £12.50 Gift Aid
Sponsor of ride
Donation by Mr Anthony Ashwin on 03/08/2023
£200.00 £50.00 Gift Aid
In memory of Kate Jeffery.
Donation by Doctor Janet Cochrane on 04/07/2023
Part-proceeds of charity ride (25 June) in memory of Kate.
Donation by Other Ride Yorkshire on 04/07/2023
£90.00 £22.50 Gift Aid
Part proceeds fromCharity ride
Donation by Ms Carole Johnston on 03/07/2023
Donation for Charity Ride in Kate’s memory.
Donation by Mrs Victoria Blackmore on 24/06/2023
Donation by Mr John Swann on 23/06/2023
£20.00 £5.00 Gift Aid
Donation in memory of Kate Jeffery
Donation by Mr James Hodgson on 06/06/2023
Book Sales
Donation by Chris Jeffery on 02/06/2023
£5.00 £1.25 Gift Aid
Donation by Mr Benjamin Bignell on 30/05/2023
£25.00 £6.25 Gift Aid
Donation by Mrs Alison Tobias on 23/05/2023
Donations collected in lieu of paying for the book
Donation by Chris on 31/03/2023
Raised by the staff and customers of the Fauconberg Arms in memory of Kate
Donation by Chris Jeffery on 14/02/2023
£5.00 £1.25 Gift Aid
Donation by Mrs Ann Conquest on 05/02/2023
£100.00 £25.00 Gift Aid
in memory of Kate Jeffery
Donation by Mark Britton on 05/02/2023
In memory of Kate Jeffery.
Donation by Ms Sally Spray on 04/02/2023
Collection buckets from the auction and shop counter
Donation by Chris Jeffery on 03/02/2023
£10.00 £2.50 Gift Aid
To help raise more funds to help people like Kate who suffered with cancer & who was cared for by St Leonard’s hospice, also to help research for future.
Donation by Mrs Julie Leadbeater on 02/02/2023
£30.00 £7.50 Gift Aid
Donation by Mr Kevin Kendall on 02/02/2023
£25.00 £6.25 Gift Aid
Donation by Mr Adrian Hitchenor on 31/01/2023
£100.00 £25.00 Gift Aid
From all of us at ArgoFeeds x
Donation by Mr Jim Goldthorpe on 30/01/2023
£10.00 £2.50 Gift Aid
Met kate last year. She was taken to heaven far too early. Kate was warm and very hard working. She was there to try and save a very weak piggy. She is now with that piggy in heaven
Donation by Mrs Deborah Judd on 28/01/2023
For Kate who was the beloved wife of Farmer Chris who posted on Facebook
Donation by Olga Danes-Volkov on 27/01/2023
£20.00 £5.00 Gift Aid
Beautiful lady who’ll be sadly missed
Donation by Ms Gillian Wright on 25/01/2023
£20.00 £5.00 Gift Aid
Donation by Mr Kevin Kendall on 25/01/2023
£20.00 £5.00 Gift Aid
Very sad loss. Such a lovely lady x
Donation by Miss Ema Allan on 25/01/2023
Donation by Mrs Pamela Bland on 25/01/2023
£10.00 £2.50 Gift Aid
Donation by Mrs Sarah Morley on 25/01/2023
£10.00 £2.50 Gift Aid
Cancer is a horrible disease and I know how great St Leonards Hospice and the staff are. Sorry for your loss Chris xxx
Donation by Mrs Ann-Marie Jeffery on 25/01/2023
£50.00 £12.50 Gift Aid
Donation by Mr Rob Jeffery on 25/01/2023
£10.00 £2.50 Gift Aid
Donation by Mrs Suzanne Wise on 25/01/2023
Part-proceeds of charity ride (25 June) in memory of Kate.
Donation by Ride Yorkshire on 10/7/2023
With love from all who attended Kate’s funeral xx
Donation by
Donation by
Donation by Dee & Atkinson