Christine (Chris) Ellwood.
1958 - 2020
Created by: Jacky Rogers
Thank you for your donations to St Leonard’s Hospice who cared for Christine (Chris) in her final few hours. I would also like to thank the staff at St Leonard’s Hospice and York Hospital who made her final days as comfortable and peaceful as possible. Due to the current lockdown it is not possible to get friends and family together to remember Christine. It would, therefore, be lovely if you could share your memories with me. She will be missed by her mum, Pat, sister, Jacky, brother-in-law, Keith and nephews Michael and Graham, together with other family and the many friends who I have been in contact with recently.

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Keith and Jacky are making a donation to thank St Leonard's Hospice for the care they gave to Jacky's sister Christine.
Donation by Keith Rogers
I just wanted to say thank you for your contribution to make my Aunty Christine's final hours as happy as possible and hope you continue to look after others in the same way.
Donation by Michael Rogers
A dear friend for many years, will be greatly missed.
Donation by Christine Dawes
Chris was a much cherished colleague, mentor and friend. Totally supportive and thoughtful and much fun to be with.
Donation by Richard Walker
Chris and I worked on a number of projects together over the years. She was totally unflappable, full of good ideas and just great fun. I will miss her.
Donation by John Byrne
We knew Chris for over 20 years. Initially my boss at the uni, but quickly becoming a friend to us both. We shared a love of cinema and live music (although her taste in folk was sometimes too "finger in the ear; Arran sweater" for me!) I enjoyed hearing about the riding holidays, even if every photo was of her horse's ears and the backside of the horse in front. At work Chris was professional, supportive and loyal. In her far too short retirement, a range of interests were explored but she always had time for friends. Thank you St Leonard's for being there at the end of a life cruelly cut short but fully enjoyed. We will miss her.
Donation by Sue Elphinstone
We only met Chris about two years ago but she became a true friend and a supportive neighbour. We shall greatly miss her lively company. We would like to express our thanks to the caring and efficient ambulance crew, dedicated and compassionate staff at York hospital and, of course, St Leonards Hospice for being there for Chris in her final hours.
Donation by Linda Bailey
I met Chris through our shared love of horses and riding. She was such a lovely person and her calm kindness and sympathetic style meant people found her a ready friend and horses responded well to her. I was a great admirer of her equestrian ability and for being a far braver rider than me! I have so many memories of riding with her in S Africa or hearing her stories of other rides she had done. It will feel very odd to be out there without her and I shall miss her enormously.
Donation by Alison Spaull
I worked for many years with Chris as part of the White Rose library consortium where she made many key contributions - she was a generous and insightful collaborator and we remained friends after her retirement. Chris was a great support to me a few years ago when I faced my own health challenge and I am sorry that there was not more time for me to support her in her illness.
Donation by Tracey Clarke
I've known Chris for 20 years - Chris was a great work colleague, wonderfully professional in everything she did. Chris was also a lovely friend both at work and into our retirement and I will miss hugely our times together over shared coffee and cake full of lively talk, humour and always interesting stories to be heard of Chris's latest horse adventures across the world.
Donation by Tim Franklin
Chris was a tremendous work colleague - unflappable, a logical thinker, a great mentor and highly productive. As a friend, it was always a pleasure to hear her latest updates on her horse riding holidays which meant so much to her. I feel proud and honoured to have known her over a period of 18 years. Thank you so much to the staff at St Leonard's Hospice for their professional care in her final few hours.
Donation by William Mackintosh
On behalf of the leaseholder's group and the residents of Leetham House, York, along with Watson's. Christine was an active and much-loved member of the community at Leetham House and her enthusiasm and caring nature will be sorely missed by all. Our thoughts and condolences are with the family at this sad time.
Donation by Ian Omant
Chris and I were colleagues for 5 years, many moons ago. Although we never worked closely together, I liked her and admired her spirit. I remember a happy evening she and I spent at the Black Swan folk club on Peasholme Green, and it has been a pleasure, over the years, occasionally to encounter her at gigs. Thank you to St Leonard's Hospice for being there for Chris and for all those you care for.
Donation by Lamorna Nieuwold
A truly inspiring work colleague.
Donation by Elaine Hickes
Chris was a free spirit with insight, honesty, compassion and a sense of adventure. Grateful to have shared time with her. Thanks to St Leonard's for you caring.
Donation by Ruth Elder
I would like to thank St Leonard's for looking after my daughter in her final hours.
Donation by Patricia Lewis
Really sorry to hear the sad news. Chris was a lovely colleague to work with and passionate about making the university great. With best wishes - Ian and Jess.
Donation by Ian Hall
Very sad to hear the news. Chris was my manager many year ago, appointing me back in 2002 as a member of the then Library Information Systems team. Chris was always a pleasure to be around, and I will miss her very much.
Donation by Jim Adamson
I was so sorry to hear the sad news - Chris was a lovely colleague. We both enjoyed travel and I remember her stories of the places she had been horse riding and the people that she had met on her travels and I am so sorry that her retirement and the opportunity to build even more memories has been cut short. With deepest sympathies, Jo.
Donation by Joanne Black
Chris came to Burnby Equestrian Centre to join us for hacks. We tried out various horses, but her firm favourite was a little mare called Clover. I really enjoyed hacking out with Chris, it never felt like work and I will truly miss our adventures. Chris encouraged me to take her exploring new routes and as a result we found 2 new routes - both are lovely. One in particular I will be riding in her memory with others who knew her from the yard after lockdown! My thoughts are with her family.
Donation by Felicity Warden
I was shocked and saddened to hear this news. I knew Chris for many years as a valuable contributor to national University Library initiatives before I came to York, and was pleased to have a familiar face on the senior team when I arrived. Chris was in my experience a thorough, diligent and engaged professional and manager; loyal to colleagues and to the University. She understood the need for developing relationships beyond the department, and her willingness to engage with and support projects across the institution was a hallmark of her very significant contribution to both Library and University. Chris had firm views and the highest standards, lively to debate with, but always principled and completely reliable. I am sorry she did not have more time to enjoy a well-earned retirement. My condolences to Chris’s family, and my thanks to York Hospital and St Leonard’s Hospice for their care during her final illness.
Donation by Stephen Town
Chris will be sorely missed. From being a work colleague Chris had become a dear friend and part of our future plans as an occasional crew member on our boat. My wife Teri and I loved our dinners together discussing travel experiences and plans. Always an easy companion and reliable friend.
Donation by James Coates
Donation made in gratitude for the care given to Chris Ellwood.
Donation by Lindsey Myers
I worked with Chris regularly for the last few years, teaching her yoga in her retirement. Chris was a wonderfully warm, intelligent and fun person to be around. She was adventurous and really keen to explore and master new movements and postures, sometimes surprising herself in the process. We would often talk about her family, her passion for riding and horses, and music and it was such a pleasure spending time with her. Chris was taken far too soon but thank you to all who cared for and supported her. I will remember her as the calm, kind hearted and wonderful person that she was. She won't be forgotten. Love from Chloe McKay and all who knew Chris at The Stables Yoga Centre.
Donation by Chloe McKay
Thank you to St Leonard's Hospice for the wonderful care of Christine. We know it was a great comfort to her family. Gill and Paul.
Donation by Gillian Rogers
Christine was part of the Rogers extended family so will miss our Christmas meetings. Thanks to St Leonard's for looking after her and thanks the the NHS.
Donation by Peter Emanuel
I had the pleasure of working with Chris for many years at the university. I always enjoyed her quiet sense of humour and her stories about riding horses! She was a lovely person.
Donation by John Mateer
I will always remember Chris as a kind and caring colleague.
Donation by Martha Moulson
To a lovely lady that will be sadly missed with best wishes from Ian and Louisa Kingham.
Donation by Louise & Ian Kingham
Chris was my line manager for 10 years, and never failed to stimulate and support me. Whenever I encounter a challenging situation at work now, my first thought is "how would Chris have dealt with this?" I'm so sad that she didn't get to enjoy many more years of the active and carefree retirement she deserved.
Donation by Kirstyn Radford
I'll miss catching up with Chris over a pub lunch, her dry sense of humour, and chatting about horses.
Donation by Joanne Casey
I will always remember Chris with a smile. She was a kind and caring person and easy to talk to. I was so sad to hear the news. Sue.
Donation by Sue Clowes
I didn't know Chris but she sounds like a lovely person and has the same surname as me so we could well be related. My heartfelt wishes do especially go to her mother Pat because I do believe there can be no greater loss than that of your child.
Donation by Michelle Ellwood
I used to talk to Chris a lot in the kitchen at the Library. She was always friendly and used to tell me about her horse-riding and trip to Africa, among other things. She also used to tell me about waiting for her flat to be built in Hungate, for her retirement. I was very sad to hear this news.
Donation by Paul Young
Thanks to Chris for fixing all sorts of student's problems, and making the library so much better.
Donation by Chris Elliott
Chris always had a smile and a kind word. Remembered with respect and affection.
Donation by Marie Kelly
I was so sad to hear that Chris had passed away. She was a lovely person and a respected librarian. I always appreciated her help and advice and positive attitude, and she was a pleasure to work with over many years. I would like to send my sincere condolences to her family.
Donation by Julie Glenville
So sorry to hear that Chris didn't have the time to enjoy her retirement. She was one of those people you are always pleased to see at meetings - able to be both professional and friendly.
Donation by Kath Wright
I worked very occasionally with Chris and always appreciated her calm professionalism. So sorry to hear the news.
Donation by Juliet James (Phillip)
Chris was so helpful and supportive when I was researching for my Chemistry DPhil (1989-1993). In the days before online searching, Chris showed great patience in helping me to find obscure papers and books. I enjoyed my afternoons with her in the library. I still work at the University and I have missed seeing her around recently. I was so sad to hear the news of her passing.
Donation by Anne Hodgson
I was very sad to hear the news about Chris. She was a kind and generous person and a highly valued critical friend to me when I joined the University in 2007. We enjoyed a number of vigorous discussions about how the project we were working should proceed and I particularly appreciated her taking the time to help me develop in my role, despite no obligation on her part to do so. She will be sadly missed.
Donation by Dan Wiggle
This was such sad news to hear - I hope that Chris's family know how well-liked she was. At the library she would always take the time to pop in to my office to say hello and ask how I was doing - she'd always offer advice and always remembered our last conversation even if it had been a while. A really nice person.
Donation by Tom Grady
We remember with fondness Chris's love of music, film and travel and we will miss her sense of fun. Daryl and Catriona.
Donation by Catriona Martin
Thank you to the wonderful staff at St. Leonard's for taking care of Christine. Rest in peace Christine, say hello to Dave from me.
Donation by Kirsty Lewis
I was sorry to hear the sad news. Chris was both a colleague and a friend. I will remember her fondly as being compassionate and kind both in and out of work. My thanks go to St Leonard's for their care.
Donation by Ilka Heale
I will remember Chris with a smile. She was always kind and showed an interest in whatever you did. So sad to hear this news.
Donation by Lisa Hopwood
I first met Christine when she was chemistry subject librarian. We did a double-act to the graduates on library resources and she then got me involved in wider university activities. I will miss our occasional lunches which continued after her retirement. Rest in peace, Chris and thank-you for your support and friendship.
Donation by Adrian Whitwood
So many library memories from working together in various roles from 1990 to 2010. Such sad news. Jane.
Donation by Angela Jane Henley
Thank you for taking care of my aunt in her final moments.
Donation by Graham Rogers
I was very saddened and shocked to hear the news about Chris in April. I have many happy memories of helpful discussions with her when she was the subject librarian for sciences. Always easy to talk to, and a great sense of warmth. After a long time of not meeting, I had the pleasure of a chat with her last year when we bumped into each other as I walked to the University. It was good to catch up, and she was chatting about her retirement. It's so sad she didn't get the time to enjoy a longer retirement. She was a lovely person.
Donation by Steve Tear
Chris will be much missed by friends and family. She was a splendid colleague, hardworking, enthusiastic, excellent project leader, full of ideas and receptive to others ideas, and so many other positive attributes. Perhaps best of all, while making a more than full contribution, she didn't let work rule her life and had achieved a very effective life/work balance. Her holidays on horseback all over the world were such highlights.
Donation by Elizabeth Heaps
Donation by Patricia A Haywood