Good Rabbits Gone vol 3.
I am raising funds for St. Leonard’s with my 3rd volume of cartoon rabbit tributes to celebrities and remarkable individuals who have passed away in a 108 page book entitled ‘Good Rabbits Gone Volume 3’ The cartoons are created under my pen name Bertt deBaldock at the time of the individual's death and assembled together in a book with my own tributes or thoughts that are inspired after reading about the person. All printing costs are paid by my business Pyramid Gallery, and the book is given away with a request that if the book is enjoyed then the reader is invited to make a donation.
The project started in 2016 when David Bowie’s death shook me. I had been drawing the rabbit for Christmas cards since 1995, often with the character of a celebrity who might have died during the year. So, David Bowie was destined to appear on the next card. But soon after there were several others (Glen Frey, Terry Wogan, George Martin and Ronnie Corbett) and they were all drawn as a rabbit. Eventually I had so many that I decided to put them in a book, which I decided to give away, hoping for donations to a charity. I chose St Leonard’s Hospice because I believe that the Hospice movement provides a very special service that I hope can remain separate from the NHS. My father died from prostate cancer in 2006 at the age of 76. He was writing an article for a magazine just two weeks before. I thought he was in denial, but once it was published he became very frail and needed care. He checked into a Hospice and stayed two nights, then died. Checking into the Hospice empowered him and allowed him to die in his own time with dignity (just 1 hour after enjoying an ice cream).

Make a donation to this fundraiser.
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A further donation for Good Rabbits Gone 1 and 2
Donation by Miss Ruth Sutcliffe on 17/12/2024
£120.00 £30.00 Gift Aid
For necklace donated by Joy McMillan, glass maker
Donation by Mr Terence Brett on 29/03/2024
Donation by Miss Faye Ripley on 26/01/2024
£50.00 £12.50 Gift Aid
Donation by Ms jeanne godfrey on 20/01/2024