Peter Ayers.
1931 - 2019
Created by: Alison Hackwell
In Celebration of Peter's long and very happy life. A much loved husband of Moira, an amazing father and father-in-law to Alison and Brian and an inspirational granfather to his two grandsons Oli and Henry. A huge thank you to all the team at St Leonard's for all their love and support in those precious last few days we had together - we will never forget you.

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On what would have been your 90th birthday dad - thinking of you every day and still very much missed xx
Donation by Mrs Alison Hackwell on 20/12/2021
In memory of a wonderful dad, gentle, dignified and loving to the end, we miss you enormously all our love Ali and Brian.
Donation by Alison Hackwell
For a lovely neighbour. Rest in Peace. Love Caroline, Neil and Charlotte x
Donation by Caroline Bould
We send our deepest sympathy to Peter's family while remembering happy times over many years. Sheila, Geoff, Ashley, Georgia and Dominic.
Donation by Ashley Glover
Just a wonderful person, husband, father and granddad. I knew him a little, both my privilege and loss.
Donation by Margaret Airs
A truly gentle, gentleman whom it has been our privilege to know. We feel honoured to have witnessed his unceasing and loving support for his wonderful family and his quiet and unassuming contribution to village life. Peter was one of those special people who make the world a much better place and he will be sadly missed. Rob and Alison
Donation by Alison Cunningham
In memory of our much loved Treasurer, for his quiet efficiency, his speed of action and his personal support at our choir events. His dedication and sense of duty is epitomised by the completion of our accounts whilst in hospital. A truly special man. With love from Wistow Village Choir.
Donation by Alison Cunningham
Rest in peace Peter. A lovely neighbour. Love Karen & Peter Forrester
Donation by Karen Forrester
Kindly donated at Peter's funeral on 11th October 2019 at York Crematorium, thank you all xx
Donation by Alison Hackwell
Fondest warm memories of a truly lovely gentle man. Peter will be greatly missed and never forgotten.
Donation by Penelope Hargreaves
In memory of a very special dad on his birthday, hugely missed, especially at this time of year
Donation by Alison Hackwell
A year today since we lost you - still miss you every day dad
Donation by Alison Hackwell
Donating in lieu of sending this year's Xmas cards - miss you every day dad and particularly at this time of year, all my love always Ali
Donation by Alison Hackwell